Kamis, 23 April 2009

Big Bang Caffe Latte Ad. + Behind the Scene | VOTE FOR BIG BANG!

Big Bang is Caffe Latte’s new endorser, fortunately, you don’t have to be over 21 to drink coffee, so yes the maknae is allowed to be in it this time, WHOO! Lots of people say coffee is unhealthy, BLAH BLAH BLAH, but I know I’m addicted to it and I really can’t live without coffee, haha and having the boys endorse it really hits the spot. Seriously, in that ad.they make coffee look so sexay~~ don’t they??? hahaha They already shot the CF, and it looks like they were putting on performance, then one of the member was down (Bae)then they try to cheer him up using coffee, that’s what I can tell from all the behind the scene pictures, the official CF will be release on April 30th.

1 komentar:

  1. yang benerni masak umurnya baru 14 tahun dipotonya udah keliatan dewasa
