Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Big Bang and 2NE1’s CM song ‘Lollipop’ up #1 on charts for the 3rd consecutive week

Without official broadcast and performance on music programmes, Big Bang and 2NE1’s collaboration CM song ‘Lollipop’ is up #1 on music charts for the 3rd consecutive week.

For the 4th week of April, ‘Lollipop’ is #1 on Mnet chart for the 3rd consecutive week. The song is up against other singers like Super Junior, Son DamBi and other junior singers. Super Junior’s ‘Sorry Sorry’ is up at #3 for the first week, but for the next 5 weeks, it stayed at #2 position. Son DamBi’s #3 for the last week. And KWill’s ‘Tears are falling’ stays at #4 position.

For After School’s comeback song ‘Diva’, it rose up 43 positions to #6 in just 2 weeks. But for the download section, ‘Lollipop’ still stayed at #1 position.

Also, Boys Over Flowers cast Lee Min Ho’s CM song ‘Extreme’ went up 40 positions to #13 in just 2 weeks.

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